Jazz has had a phenomenal impact, not only on my body but also on my mind and most importantly, my attitude towards training.
I've never been the type of person that enjoyed training or exercise. In fact, I always thought people who claimed they "loved working out" were just trying to sound positive.
Now, I'm grateful to say, I completely understand what they mean. My training sessions are the highlight of my week and a well-deserved break from my job as a developer, which can involve 8-20 hours a day coding in front of a screen.
Jazz is a very unique trainer and has a brilliant perspective on training. Not only is Jazz a PT but also an MMA fighter and a well-spoken and thoughtful human being.
This combination contributes to the fun, functional and impactful training that always feels just right for me.
I went into training very reluctantly as I had a few serious injuries from my past that resulted in major surgeries and long-lasting issues. However, that reluctance was met with understanding and the appropriate caution needed to help build my confidence and most importantly my body. I am now fitter and stronger than I have ever been. I feel more focused at work and I can honestly say, thanks to Jazz and his personalised workouts, I too absolutely love working out!
Satwant Singh Kenth
Jazz’s approach to exercise is based on the realisation of how much a person’s physical health impacts their cognitive ability, mental health and wellbeing. Different training methods for different desired results or to combat each person’s particular weakness. Being a martial artist and a MMA fighter as well as a personal trainer, he also sets himself up as an example to his clients of what can be achieved and how to use lessons from training in their professional and personal life. Pursuing goals through consistency and overcoming setbacks are just two lessons I have personally learnt from watching his journey as a competitive MMA fighter.
He is an approachable professional who has the knowledge to help clients create and implement strategies to increase productivity and improve wellbeing. Furthermore, he has the personal skills necessary to connect with people and inspire them to achieve their best.
Dhillon Makwana
I joined the program 6 weeks ago, and not only have I felt a difference physically, I have felt a big difference mentally. My journey so far has been absolutely amazing, Jazz is very professional and is passionate about helping others take care of their lifestyle. After starting this program, I have felt motivated not only in the essence of working out but it has also motivated to take care of my body, this has had a big impact in my day to day life and my work life. Being in IT sitting at a desk for 10 hours a day, the training that Jazz sets really does help make my days at work that much easier.
Kam Singh
I have always trained in some shape or form for a number of years. I found that after and during COVID that my training had massively reduced which meant I had put on a lot of weight so I finally made the decisions that something needed to changed hence me reaching out to Jazz to get help.
Given that I was in such poor physical shape I was nervous but excited to commence the training and begin my transformation.
That it is simple and easy to understand, it is not made overly complex and it is clear what is required to achieve the goal. I have a very full on job but the programme fits perfectly around my schedule but has also led to me making a number of lifestyle changes. My programme is bespoke to me and is not a generic plan and Jazz takes all the various data points whether it be number of reps to body stats and takes it all into account when calculating my programme.
I have found that I am a lot more focused and generally in a better place mentally in my personal and work life. I have also noticed that my mood has improved, I am generally less irritable.
I have noticed that my kickboxing has definitely improved and that I am faster following the weight loss. I have also noticed that my endurance has improved and that I am not getting as tired doing normal day to day activities.
I have a very intense programme that involves 3 PT sessions a week at 6am in the morning most of the time. I am proud of the fact that no session have been missed and I have kept to the diet plan to the letter which has been reflected in the results that are being seen in a very short period of time.
I would highly recommend the program to anyone. Jazz is very knowledgeable on all aspects from exercising to recovery or dietary. He has a really passion for what he does and really wants to see you succeed.
Jazz always has each session prepared, the workout is designed bespoke for me which means there is no confusion about the goal is for the session. Jazz is very knowledgeable on a number of topics that are all essential to achieving the goal. Jazz covers all aspects of the transformation (exercise, recovery and dietary). Jazz has a no nonsense approach that I respect and appreciate as it ensures that I keep on track.
Ricky Karia